
We Dare to Dream Bigger + Accomplish Even More

Are you wanting to make a change in your career or business?
Worried about stepping away from safety and security, but know that something has to shift?
Tired of not feeling like enough, no matter what you accomplish, but unwilling to play small?

We created Kaleidoscope because we’re not meant to change the world alone.

With the power of community—and powerful coaching, mentorship, and practice—we create possibility from the future we desire, instead of our pasts.

Together, we reignite your passion, leaving you with a deeply rooted and fierce in-your-bones-knowing that you are making the difference you desire, with the know-how and confidence to take effective action.

Are you ready to transform the experience you’re having? To make a powerful change?

Join our 12 week CATALYST Kaleidoscope community where you’ll partner with two awesome coaches who have helped people just like you navigate this pivotal stage in your career and life—and 11 other brilliant leaders.

Portland Startup Women
snapshot at a weekly women founders mastermind Jewels ran in Portland, OR

Our cohort-style CATALYST program adds velocity to your natural process, moving you from anxiety, indecision, overwhelm, and exhaustion to CONFIDENCE and CLARITY to the future you desire—with a SUCCESS PLAN and actionable steps and practices to keep you supported. It’s vulnerable work, so we also have FUN.

Kaleidoscope is built on top of community and a holistic approach to transformation. Think executive, leadership, and life coaching leveraging somatics (your inner wisdom), ancient wisdom, neuroscience, and nervous system regulation.

Members have access to live and recorded workshops, practices, and inspiration, but that “stuff” isn’t the real magic.

The real magic is you.

We’re here as a mirror, so you can see what we see—your divine and exquisite being—and to:

  • hold a brave and powerful space for you to get real with your desires and the essence of who you are, your superpowers, and your impact
  • coach you beyond your comfort zone
  • support you in creating a future you can’t yet imagine declaring, and lead yourself powerfully into it

Will you join us?

What you’ll find inside
YOUR Kaleidoscope

Members have full 24/7 access to an archive of the group’s live events, podcast, embodiment practices, and our Virtual Clubhouse (online hub). This makes it easy to access what you need when you need it—and to connect directly with your coaches and peers.

1. Individualized Support via Transformational Coaching

Two 1:1 Coaching Sessions (You Schedule)
Two private 1:1 Coaching Sessions to set you up for success within the program.

Weekly Self-Coaching and Accountability
A self-coaching and check-in as a practice of focus, reflection, and strategy.

2. Workshops and Practice

Two Monthly Workshops, 1-hour (Live on Thursday Mornings)
All of the group calls build on each other towards your goal.

Weekly Unstruck Soundbytes (Pre-recorded)
5-minute meditations and practices to weave well-being into your every day.

3. Community

Two Monthly Peer Accountability Calls, 30-min (Live on Friday Mornings)
and 24/7 Access to Virtual Clubhouse
You’ve found your people! Share wins, questions, struggles, take-aways, and ah-ha!s. Connect directly for support, accountability, inspiration, and deep connection.

12-Week Catalyst Cohort

Leave with passion, clarityconfidence, a future aligned with your purposeactionable steps, support—and community.

“I feel a renewed sense of purpose driving me to reach my goals.”

—Jewel’s client S.S. considering a career shift and new business

Meet Your Coaches


I created Unstruck Sanctuary from a passion to help others through transitions and reinventions because I’ve weathered many as an executive, entrepreneur, and startup founder. Through myriad reinventions, decades of scaling boutique agencies, and working as an Executive Leadership Transition consultant, I’ve learned what it takes to lead myself and others into the unknown, creating futures with intention and choice.

I first discovered the power of somatic coaching as a client in 2006 and in 2022 I returned, to heal from burnout and to learn how to heal and coach others. I’ve trained in somatic coaching at Strozzi Institute, Somatic Intuitive Healing, and ontological coaching.

I love making music, foraging, fermenting, experimenting, exploring, and most recently—raising the cutest puppy 😉

Jewel Mlnarik, at UnstruckSanctuary.com

Stacia Skappak

Hi, I’m Stacia and I love somatic coaching. I first discovered it as a client and it made a huge difference in my life. I was on a path but it was a path of (other’s) expectations, corporate climbing, self judgement and simply putting one foot in front of the other. I had purpose but it never quite felt like me. Something was missing. I was disconnected!

Somatics gave me the chance to explore in a whole new way. A way that opened up and connected me to possibilities I hadn’t been allowing myself to feel, experience or move towards. Somatics opened me up to what was naturally within ME!

I am a Strozzi Institute trained and certified somatic coach and am working towards my ICF certification. I have been coaching since 2020 with individuals and cohorts.

I love skiing with family, spin classes, and traveling the world. I am always planning my next adventure.

Stacia Skappak, at YourOwnPath.ca

“I highly recommend Stacia for exploring your deeper needs and having her work with you towards what is possible.”

—Stacia’s client Jamie S

Your Own Path: Somatic Coaching