Why Work with Me?

Why Hire a Professional Coach?

Powerful coaching adds depth, choice, and velocity to your natural process—giving you space to practice where the stakes are low, so you can create the impact you desire where the stakes are high.

What to Look for When Hiring a Coach

As someone who’s worked with a variety of coaches, I start with “trust your gut.” As science has been revealing: we have more of our nervous system in our guts than in our brains. A good checklist is this one from Inc. Magazine on what to look for when hiring an executive coach.

As for the domain (executive/life/business/leadership) and credentials, keep in mind that a coach will be limited by their own experiences and growth. No one will ever have it all figured out, and you’ll want to be wary of anyone who thinks they do. A great coach will have their own coach.

It’s Personal

Selecting a coach is a personal decision. You want to select a coach you can trust, not only in confidence, but to hold a powerful space. To work with any coach, you need to be open to possibility. And this can be harder than it sounds, for being open to possibility means being able to suspend belief and disbelief—all that we’ve come to know and think we know—such that we can write our present from our future (possibility) instead of our past.

So Why Me?

pitstop for a view

If you’re reading this, you’re committed to finding someone who can help guide you through a daunting and exciting transition or reinvention—full of possibility and heavy with risk.

As I’ve shared elsewhere, I’ve weathered many. My path is not your path, but after hiking many trails (and putting my trainings to the test) I’m a reliable guide to hiking through the wilderness of professional life—be it on rocky, treacherous, strenuous, unmarked, or unforged trails. I partner with professionals who’ve already established a career and are facing a transition.

If this sounds like you, I hope you’ll reach out. The power of transformative and healing spaces lies in fostering deep trust. That’s why I offer complimentary, confidential sessions to connect before we discuss working together.